Thursday, February 2

i have a dream.

i have lots of dreams, actually. in fact, i spend a good deal of my nights dreaming (and not getting proper sleep), which is why i have the under eye circles of a meth addict.

sometime in the last few days, i had a dream in which i was a contestant on a game show about neat freaks. if you have a messy room, you're off the show. serious business, guys. in that dream, the judges came to my room while it was a mess, so i begged them to give me another chance. after they agreed, i made jessie and marina move all my crap into their room, so it'd look like i'm a neat person. they came back, and i was approved for another episode. and that was the end of that dream.

now normally i don't have dream sequels... except for this morning. i dreamed that i could hear the tv crew next door, making a surprise cleaning check. i knew i was next, but the room was a mess, and smerf it, i wanted to win that show!

when i'm tired, i don't think right. last night, we had an impromptu 2am pizza party, so suffice it to say that i was extremely tired this morning. so tired, that i actually got up, out of bed, and started cleaning, so i wouldn't be disqualified from the competition. no joke. after about ten minutes, i realized that it wasn't real and i could probably go back to sleep, but by then i was invested in this chore, and too tired to understand that i was behaving like a crazy person. so i just kept cleaning.

finally, i crawled back into bed, satisfied with a room neat enough to pass a cleaning check for the most boring reality tv show ever. not the strangest thing i've done while semi-sleeping, but it makes the top five for sure. on the bright side, i can't remember when the last time my desk was so neat.

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