Friday, November 2

My Growing Mind Control Powers

I don't know if any of you knew this about me, but I'm actually a superhero. Or something. I always suspected that I was psychic, but only recently have I begun to discover the true extent of my powers. I, it turns out, have the ability to magically implant the song of my choosing into the head of anyone around me (or at least all of my roommates). Additionally, by pure psychic prowess, I convinced about a third of my self-defense class to do jazz hands every time an annoying alarm went off. (It went off approximately every fifteen seconds, for like twenty minutes.) My song-implanting powers are especially potent when used on Sara, and are truly devastating when applied to the song "Some Nights" by Fun. In fact, I've advanced to the point where I don't have to play it or sing it at all. I just have to look at her the right way. I'm still working on how I can use this ability to completely take over her mind and force her to do my bidding, but if you have any suggestions, I'd love to hear them.

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